Shiba Inu superhero

The Heartwarming True Story Behind “A Tale of Mari and Three Puppies” (2007)

The 2007 movie A Tale of Mari and Three Puppies tells the inspiring true story of a Shiba Inu’s extraordinary loyalty and courage. Set in Yamakoshi, Japan, during the 2004 earthquake, this moving film captures the moment when Mari, a brave Shiba Inu, gave birth to three beautiful Shiba Inu puppies just as disaster struck, causing devastating landslides and the collapse of homes.

As the earthquake unfolded, Mari demonstrated remarkable bravery. She not only rescued her three newborn pups but also saved her elderly owner, who was trapped under a cabinet. Despite the owner’s evacuation by helicopter, Mari and her puppies had to remain behind, as the rescue teams prioritized human lives. In the days following the earthquake, the resilient Shiba Inu family survived on their own until the owner’s return two weeks later.

When the owner finally made it back to the village, Mari and her three puppies were miraculously found alive and well. Mari’s heroic actions in the face of disaster stand as a testament to the unwavering loyalty, courage, and determination that define the Shiba Inu breed.

shiba inu superhero

When my mom and I lived alone in Stockholm, I knew it was my duty to protect her. She can get easily distracted and doesn’t always notice what’s happening around her. That’s why, during our evening walks around the park, I made sure to avoid the dark, wooded areas. If I noticed anyone suspicious, I would make eye contact and bark if they got too close.

I was determined never to let anything bad happen to her. I would protect her with all my might.